Feet Under The Table Forum rules [updated on 07.09.2022]

EVERYONE must read and agree to these rules before using the forum

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Feet Under The Table Forum rules [updated on 07.09.2022]

Post by nyllover »

Welcome to the Feet Under the Table Message Board!
The World Wide Web's Number One Resource for Female Foot Seduction Material.

About the Feet Under the Table Message Board
The Feet Under the Table Message Board is a fan driven message board where we collect, post and discuss videos, photos, and stories about women seducing men, or other women, by using their feet under a table. This is, and always will be, the primary focus of the board.

We do however, welcome other variations of the foot fetish as long as they do not involve violence or coercion. As such, shoeplay and footjob related photos and videos are encouraged. Trampling and crushing related materials are strictly forbidden.

Before posting, you must take a few minutes to read and familiarize yourself with the forum rules.

Feet Under the Table Message Board Rules for Posting

NOTE: The only acceptable languages on the board are Italian and English.

The Golden Rule of posting messages on this board: Conduct yourselves as adults, and treat each other as you would wish to be treated.


1. No Spamming - for example, nonsensical or repetitive, or messages with commercial advertisements (i.e., Viagra, Ipods).

2. Website Advertisements (updated on 05.02.2007) - If you are part of a foot fetish site and you want to link it as a relevant part of a discussion, please contact the webmaster first and be honest if it’s your own site. Any member who seems to have joined solely to promote another site will be permanently banned.
We want to avoid spam generated by promotion teams, public-relations campaigns or any other traffic-hungry webmasters. So please note that our forums aren’t the place to advertise your own site or forums or sites with similar content to ours. Feet Under the Table Forums staff don’t visit your site and spam it with adverts, so we expect the same courtesy in return. You are welcome to link your site in your signature without a slogan.

3. Harassment & Trolling - We have no tolerance for personal attacks, inciting flame wars, or racist language. Trolling is defined as posting with a clear intent to intimidate, disrupt, provoke anger, or incite behavior that results in other users violating the rules. If you are harassed, report it to the moderators and we will deal with it. If trolling occurs all members are strongly encouraged not to feed the troll.

4. If you just want to thank a member for a post, use the "Thanks" button provided. Post a message ONLY if you have something to add to the discussion.

5. Before deciding to create a thread, use the search option. More than likely you'll find the answers in past threads.

6. If you post a new thread then please make sure you are doing so in the right section of the forum.

7. Do not engage in any political or religious discussion. Threads of this nature will be deleted, and the offending member(s) banned. This also applies to the signature line of your messages.

8. If you are looking for an old video with a dead link then you should first send a private message to the person who originally posted the link. If they are not able to help you out then post a reply in the appropriate thread.

9. New topic daily limit (added on 01.07.2008) - To give everyone's posts the importance they deserves (and so not pushing relatively new posts down on the list), please refrain from excessive new topic creation in a same section. Limit yourself to a maximum of 5 daily new topic per section of the forum.

10. Don't ask or share passwords for any kind of website (added on 03.11.2010)

11. Don't post pictures or videos where underage girls are shown. Age limit is 18 years old (if in doubt, don't post). (added on 07.08.2012)

12. In the Celebrities section, don't start a new thread if, for the celebrity your post is about, one exists already. If that's the case, simply add a reply to that thread. (added on 29.12.2014)

13. This is a Foot Fetish forum. Any thread with photos or videos not aimed to foot fetishists will be removed. (21.05.2021 update)

14. Only female feet are allowed in this forum: male feet photos or videos are NOT permitted and will be deleted (29.03.2022 update)

15. Signatures: please keep your signatures to a decent style/size that won't disrupt the user experience or navigation. A Signature should NOT look like an advertising banner or similar. Don't use fonts bigger than the regular one, don't add pictures. (07.09.2022 update)

Feet Under the Table Message Board Rules for Photo and Video Posting

All photos and video clips posted on the board must focus on female feet, for example, posing, shoeplay, footjobs or under-the-table teasing.

If any complaints are received about video links posted prior to 9.29.06 the Webmaster or Moderators will remove the appropriate link from your posting and notify you of the action via PM.

Forbidden Material - You may not under any circumstances post content published on these sites:
- Feetweek.com
- Footplay.co.uk
- Leggypauline.com
- Clips4Sale.com
- petons-lisa.com
- Lady Sonia
- ModelsNylon.com (Update of 31.12.2009)
- Nicole24.com (Update of 06.07.2010)

NOTE (Update of 05.03.2010)
If you would like to post an unmarked video clip, or you have a video clip of unkonwn origin, please contact one of the moderators before posting to the forum.


- Post complete videos offered for sale by other websites. For example, if you purchase a 9 minute video from another website you may post a small, edited version of the video, say 1 or 2 minutes maximum. You may not break the video down into three 3 minute segments and post them sequentially. The video you post CAN'T be longer than half of the video you purchased. So in case of a 9 minutes video purchased, you may post a video of maximum 4 minutes and a half.

- (Update of 15.08.2008) Post complete photosets offered for sale by other websites. Limit your post to a maximum of 10 photos per each set.

- (Update of 19.08.2011) Post picture sets as compressed archives (with the exception of candid photos)

- Post any material offered for sale by the Clips4Sale.com website. If you are the owner of a Clips4Sale.com store and would like to share samples of your videos on the Feet Under the Table message board then please contact the webmaster directly before posting. You will need to provide proof that you are the owner of the store before approval is given to post videos.

- Post generic adult photos or videos if they don't have feet as the primary focus.

- Post any foot fetish videos or photos that depict pain or violence: this includes trampling/crushing or forced foot worship.

- (Update of 22.04.2007) Express erotic comments regarding photos or videos of your immediate family FEMALE members that you want to post (a part from your wife, of course)

- (Update of 27.03.2015) This board is an italian/english language one, therefore it is FORBIDDEN to use filehost sites that don't have english language. Specifically, it is FORBIDDEN to put links to file hosted on chinese host sites (because of the MANY viruses those sites contain)


- Post sample videos that are offered at no charge by the originating website (however, see "Forbidden Material" above).

- Post videos from websites that no longer exist (like OhMyHose!). If you have any questions about whether a website has closed then please post a question in the forum. Someone will no doubt be able to give you an answer.

- Post amateur videos that you have made yourself. This includes candid shoeplay, posed shoeplay and footjobs.

- Post video taken from television shows and movies shown on television or the big screen.

- Give a short summary of the content of any video file you post. For example:

2 minute video of Asian girl with RHT nylons giving footjob with cumshot.

3 minute candid shoeplay video. Black pumps with no nylons in an airport. Mostly dipping. Face shown.

If you can, add some preview pictures of the video you are posting (if you don't know how to do it, refer to this guide).

Any video posted without a description or a preview will be deleted.

- Use ImageShack or any similar service (if the photo doesn't go against that service rules). Refer to this guide to learn how to do it.

Any photos or videos that do not conform to these standards will be removed from the forum by a moderator.
(Update of 05.04.2007)The original message will be edited giving an explanation of the moderator activity.
In addition, repeated posting of non-foot focused videos or photos may result in a suspension or ban on your account.


These rules were not drafted to cover every situation. The webmaster or moderators will not hesitate to act if, in our judgment, you engage in conduct that is counterproductive to the forum and/or restricts or inhibits other members from using or viewing the forums. Such action may include, but is not limited to: issue a public or PM warning, banning your account(s) and/or IP addresses, lowering your post count, or deleting/editing your post(s)/threads.

Please read these rules carefully and think about what kind of material you would like to post.

If you have any questions or doubts about the origin of the material you would like to post, or you just have a general question, then do not hesitate to contact the webmaster or one of the moderators for help.

Your webmaster is Nyllover.
Your moderators are the ones listed here.

Thank you.