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Nyllady' photos

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:33 pm
by Tomi
Hey Nyllover, the new set of Nyllady's outdoor pics is just great. But I have one advice for making outdoor pics:
- If there is a strong sun, and you are making photos facing the sun, the object before you will be dark - like Nyllady's feet in that close up. Try to use flash in similar occasions. The flash will enlighten the close object, so it will be more visible and enjoyable :ooook:

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:47 pm
by nyllover
Thanks a lot for the advice Tomi! I usually follow that flash tip when i take "normal" photos...but sometimes it's.... "Hard" to think :superlol:

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:33 pm
by legloverjj
<center> <b>
:noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy: :noworthy:
Nyllady does an awesome job, and I see that her talents are getting better with each photoshoot. She really impressed me with what she did to you in some of those shots. I can't wait for more.