Candid Tan TIghts and Uniform

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Candid Tan TIghts and Uniform

Post by tantights71 »

I would love to see a site dedicated to candid tights (tan) and uniforms (non subscription or free). For example, maybe some candid pics and videos of a trip to the airport. A nice stewardess in tan tights showing off perhaps. Or maybe a walk down the street and some nice images of a secretary or business woman wearing tan nylons? I actually love this site and have found some great pics, but on most sites, they are scattered everywhere and you have to spend hours browsing around. I just think women are fascinating beautiful creatures and love a woman with nice legs. If any guys out there are like me, post a comment. Maybe you know something I don't.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Looking forward to some feedback.

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Re: Candid Tan TIghts and Uniform

Post by tobydole »

You can very easily start a blog. You can host it yourself on your own server (or VPS) to get around being reported for the most part. (If you are posting candid content).

Managing a photo gallery is another beast though, photos require space and on VPS's and other dedicated servers online space comes at a premium. For blogging though I would check out (not the .com one, the .org is the site for the actual software you can host yourself). Finding a host shouldn't be too hard, I personally recommend OVH. Again though space will be the issue; Amazon has some services you might be able to utilize however they mostly charge by bandwidth and if your site is popular it will drive costs through the roof, which brings up another point: cost.

You're gonna have to make money somehow and unless you charge a subscription fee you're going to need ads. Just keep that in mind.

Good luck!
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