Let's make it clear: male feet are NOT allowed here

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Let's make it clear: male feet are NOT allowed here

Post by nyllover »

Lately, there has been a bit of confusion on the "male feet" topic (partially my fault): in an effort to be as nice as possible to everyone, we kinda closed an eye on a few "questionable" topics that were all about male feet.
I went through our rules again and it was pretty clear that this forum has always been about female feet and nothing else.

To make it even more clear, I modified the rules so that now this is added to them:
14. Only female feet are allowed in this forum: male feet photos or videos are NOT permitted and will be deleted (29.03.2022 update)
Needless to say, a "suspect" of a candid photo being of a male isn't enough for it to be deleted, so don't think you freaking out about male photos everywhere is going to make me delete tons of posts (you know who you are). As usual, let's all be a nice community and just follow our rules :)

You can read our updated rules here