The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

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The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by Collegetownstudios »

I have been thinking about this for a week now, and I am curious. I've been e-mailed by quite a few people who share the sentiment of, "Your content is shit, and it's not worth the money we pay for it. I can literally get it for free on a porn site." These are a mix of people who email me initially asking to join my website, which is not active at the moment. When I tell them the price for the proposed annual fee, they balk. They are also people who have been part of the website before. As recently as back in May, when I had to close it due to Chargeback fraud.

I've even gotten flack on here about this. When some people tell me that I'm trying to line my pockets. Shouldn't I try to line my pockets if I am also helping people to enjoy their lives?

My question is, why do so many fetishists share the idea that they shouldn't pay for good foot material when it's on Pornhub or Pornzog, etc.? And why do some of them feel the need to criticize people who may be risking their reputations to acquire good candid foot material or other types of video.

It is more logical to support your favorite content creators so they can continue to create what you like to see.

Even when hiring models, it gives a massive hit to your personal reputation. You start getting looked at like you're a creep. They don't like you, anyway. So when you start getting the rudeness from both ends, it can be both confusing and demoralizing.

I can certainly see why some site owners hate talking to their customers.

And then these same customers who talk rudely to the store owners also complain when they get treated like shit by some foot girl that scammed them.

Am I the only person who feels this is counter productive?

Should I start being a bitch like these foot girls who scam guys out of their money?

I'm curious about what others think about this phenomenon.

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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by nyllover »

To be honest, I thought reactions like that were only coming from the Italian customers. We always had a pretty bad experience with them, especially on the custom videos section of our business. They always think shooting a video costs nothing, and they want to pay 20 euros per custom video, or stuff like that.

But I don't think it's their fault, I blame the tubes for this "porn should be free" general idea. It is only one of the (many) damages that sites like YouPorn did to our industry: not only they sent to the bankruptcy dozens of sites, not only they helped piracy to grow more and more...but they even gave guys the idea that porn is and should always be free. As if producing a video wouldn't cost a cent.

How to deal with them? Well, a few ideas that come to mind:

1- Have an easy way for them to pay, so they don't have to be in touch. If they want to join, they will pay. If not, they will move on
2- Have some ready-made answers to general questions, Gmail has a nice feature called "Templates". Build one per each recurring question and, when you get a question like that, simply send the template and forget about it
3- Don't think it's personal. If they answer in a nasty way, simply archive the e-mail without even answering them
4- Don't try to convince them. You know the value of your work, and that's the price they should pay. If they don't, just leave it like that.

The first point I think is the most important of them all. We rarely have any sort of complaint e-mails from our paysites' members. Sure some of them ask for a refund, and sure there are some chargebacks, but the amount of those is irrelevant. If your product is good, chargebacks and refunds will be irrelevant compared to the total of your business.
On the contrary, it's way more difficult to sell custom videos for us. Simply because we can't set a price before knowing what the video is when they contact us, they don't know the price range. And it seems to me this is similar to your case: there is no price displayed on your site, so guys coming to you don't have any idea of that. This can lead to more complaints.

Hope it helps 😊
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by KMFDNFAN »

Speaking purely from emotion, I think what you see is part of a larger conversation involving just how easy it has begun to gain access to "content" of any kind, really. Look at Spotify. I mean, geeze, I just joined last October and now I can listen to literally anything anywhere on my phone. I used to look forward to albums releasing. One of my favorite bands dropped an album back in October/November and it was good, don't get me wrong, but I found my "eyes wandering." I was like "oh look at that band." Before I knew it, the same day an album I was eagerly anticipating I ended up listening to the first two or three tracks of two or three completely different albums, who's names I've honestly forgotten, and I never listened to the album I waited three months to hear (honestly, it was good lol. It was a good album, it didn't just suck and I lost interest). It's way too easy to get content these days. It takes the fun out of anticipation and suspense. That is why I love candid shoeplay more than staged because there is a fun to the "will she / won't she" aspect of candid shoeplay. So I also completely agree with Nyllover's "rule 1" because if it's easy for the customers to pay quickly and get the hell back out of your store, that would be ideal for your comfort and boundaries.

In general, I guess, when things are easy to come by, people get greedy. Think about the pandemic and how dudes who would spook the shit out of any girl they meet, get all of that false attention from paid models/services. These guys go out into the real world and (sorry to bring it up) bother women - like shop at home hosts and people of the like. So yeah, they come at you like weirdos, because that's what they are. They want that quick fix. They don't appreciate the work you put in because they want that "fast food customer service" Like me with my 'anticipated album.' I just couldn't give a shit with all the options and guess what? I still haven't had a chance to really sit and enjoy it. I failed myself by not appreciating the shit I, myself, made important to me.

Bleh. Hope it gets better. Make money!
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by ShoeplayJ »

I usually don't bump topics but it's on the front page and is from barely two months ago, plus it's a nice switch-up from what we usually discuss. Can't believe I almost missed it!

My question is, why do so many fetishists share the idea that they shouldn't pay for good foot material when it's on Pornhub or Pornzog, etc.?

A mixture of entitlement and manipulation. They want what you've got but they don't want to pay so what they do is they try and play you by bringing up all the free competition whose material is "better than yours" in some delusional hope that you'll come down on the price or it to them I guess? And maybe some of the competition is better (I don't mean yours specifically just in general), but then it begs the question that none of these geniuses can answer "so why are you here?". It's the same old "the customer is always right" song and dance as with every other business. If a market exists, there are those who think they should get the best of the best while exchanging little to no compensation in return, even in 'markets' where monetary currency isn't (usually) exchanged, such as dating. I.e. Guy asks a girl out, she rejects and he says "Well you didn't look that good anyway!" or something. So why bother her? Or the customer who dines out at a restaurant, finishes her meal but doesn't want to pay full price because she "didn't like it", then asks for the manager after the server won't refund the meal. Granted, depending on the circumstances, THAT example may not be totally unreasonable but overall the point still stands; It's good old-fashioned self-entitlement, and people get really pissy when they're told what they can't have.
And why do some of them feel the need to criticize people who may be risking their reputations to acquire good candid foot material or other types of video.
Some people are just dickheads. I bet you most of these comments come from dudes who are in the zone as they're typing these idiotic comments, thinking with the wrong head and how dare you share a video they don't like, when they're sitting there like a ticking time-bomb looking for the right video to make them blow their fuse?! What? It's not free? WHAT?! NO FACESHOT?! You're supposed to risk everything to get this girl's face on camera and possibly risk legal trouble if she happens upon the video and you didn't do that! The nerve! [ \ sarcasm ]

I first suspected entitlement was rampant in the foot fetish community even long before I actually got into the business myself. It was evident in the ways in which others would conduct themselves on say the YouTube comments for certain videos or even the way they'd speak on the other forums that existed back then. "Would've been better if it was bare" (or with nylons, though I see the bare complaint way more), "make it longer next time" (on an almost 3 minute clearly labeled PREVIEW of a video that's obviously FOR SALE), and of course nothing would be complete without the ableist comments such as "Did Michael J. Fox shoot this??" etc. Sure some of these are on the tamer side, but it's the very fact that not a single dime was exchanged and yet and still they bitch and moan as though they've been cheated out of something they were owed. As if.

Entitlement being a serious problem here in the land of foot-enthusiasts was all but spelled out for me in big neon letters once I entered the business with my wife. My sweet, patient and forgiving wife; you should've seen the way some of these people spoke to her back when she regularly interacted with fans and the community (I can probably still get screenshots of some of this stuff). And that toxic and entitled behavior is exactly why her interactions with fans have reduced drastically over the years and another reason why we stopped taking custom video orders all together. The money was decent but some stuff is just not worth the mental strain. In the grand scheme of things, she's one of the lesser known models so I can only imagine what the bigger names are putting up with.
At the end of your post you mentioned "being a bitch like these foot models" — it's funny, on one hand I kind of agree with that exact wording and especially hate the ones who scam people out of their money. On the other hand, after witnessing firsthand the disgusting manner in which a lot of foot fetishists speak to women, I TOTALLY get why they (the models) are so short and no nonsense with them. They have to be or they waste time and money. Especially when you're speaking to these people with the impression that they're going to make a purchase or place a custom order, only to quickly find out that this guy would rather rabble on about the time he first got his rocks off from sniffing his stepmom's crocs and then mentions that he hasn't any money to buy anything. :crash: Granted we were both young and still new to everything but still. Some stuff just isn't worth your sanity and peace of mind, especially when it's not your main source of income.

TL;DR People suck. Fuck the haters and get your money.
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by christo »

I have for years always supported content creators. I have had my fair share of disappointments and shrugged it off only to move to the next one. I have often used the content of Youtube, Pornhub, message boards, and more to find new content creators that I could support. I have always felt it's important to support the creators' cause without them where would we be?
The internet being what it is has caused more problems for the world than we could have ever imagined. It was designed to bring people together, make life easier, with a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips. Instead, it has divided us even further, destroyed lives, and given people a platform to be assholes.
All social communities are bad for revealing how arrogant or assholish people can be. Sure the world in general is pretty messed up but the fetish communities host an array of dipshits. I can't tell you how many times on other message forums I have defended content creators as people would bitch about their prices, not getting fully naked, she's too talkative, she's this or that. It drove me mad. Even after all that people would PM me asking for free content from the creators I'd support.

So although I am not a content creator myself I feel ya pain. I also wanted to present you a possible solution, OnlyFans. It has become a booming platform for all kinds of people even non porn creators but seriously it's for porn. I have supported several models on their and gotta say I like it. The other thing is the content cannot be downloaded. Although I must admit their is always a way around this. In my experience, most people are not wise about the ways of how to do this.
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by nyllover »

christo wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:08 pm So although I am not a content creator myself I feel ya pain. I also wanted to present you a possible solution, OnlyFans. It has become a booming platform for all kinds of people even non porn creators but seriously it's for porn. I have supported several models on their and gotta say I like it. The other thing is the content cannot be downloaded. Although I must admit their is always a way around this. In my experience, most people are not wise about the ways of how to do this.
Let me strongly disagree on this. I have first-hand experience from MANY models who left OnlyFans because of their totally SHADY behavior. Some models saw their account frozen from lack of DMCA documents for months, even after they provided the documents. Other saw their account shut down (money lost too) with no explanation whatsoever...and let's not forget a few months ago when Only Fans banned porn and then, a few weeks after, regret the decision.
Fan sites are a great thing these days, but please stay away from Only Fans. The one to go, in my opinion, is the one where my wife is also starting to upload her old clips: here's her page on LF. The founder of Clips4sale is behind the project (he now sold Clips4Sale) and that, to me, is enough to trust the project. Plus that site has many things that Only Fans doesn't have.
Trust me... stay away from Only Fans...better do it now than be sorry later on :)
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by hiker »

Social media, as a whole, has become pretty nasty.

People are a lot more courageous behind the anonymity and veil of the internet.

You have every right to capitalize if you can.

Ignore them.
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by christo »

I have never had a single issue with OnlyFans other than the fact they need a better search option. I have had great luck finding beautiful women with sexy feet on OF. OnlyFans knows it's crowd base and has embraced the porn factor. Onlyfans and similar sites such as Fansly allow women true freedom from the corrupt porn industry. They have total control and create the content they feel most comfortable with. I highly recommend OnlyFans as it has tons of great content creators, reasonable prices, girls talk to you all the time and are super friendly, live streams, custom content reasonably priced, and more. Now don't get me wrong some of the girls on there get very pricey but it's a start.

@nyllover have you ever used OnlyFans?
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by Collegetownstudios »

christo wrote: Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:06 pm I have never had a single issue with OnlyFans other than the fact they need a better search option. I have had great luck finding beautiful women with sexy feet on OF. OnlyFans knows it's crowd base and has embraced the porn factor. Onlyfans and similar sites such as Fansly allow women true freedom from the corrupt porn industry. They have total control and create the content they feel most comfortable with. I highly recommend OnlyFans as it has tons of great content creators, reasonable prices, girls talk to you all the time and are super friendly, live streams, custom content reasonably priced, and more. Now don't get me wrong some of the girls on there get very pricey but it's a start.

@nyllover have you ever used OnlyFans?
I had an Onlyfans and Loyalfans account.
Loyalfans was quicker to set up, and the support is more personable.

Onlyfans is very difficult to set up, and also their customer support is very rude.
I was contacted by OF support last week about an item that was against TOS. I inquired as to which item. They wouldn't tell me.

They then deactivated my account, without paying me my money.

Quite rude.
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by Collegetownstudios »

ShoeplayJ wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:29 pmI TOTALLY get why they (the models) are so short and no nonsense with them. They have to be or they waste time and money.
I'm talking about when I approach them to purchase stuff. I get blocked religiously. Not sure why. I'm polite and ask them what the price is for the items they might be selling.

I find if I don't engage with them as a buyer, but just as a content creator, they are marginally more polite, but not by much.

But, that's my experience.
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by pumplover »

This is happening all acoss content creation. You wouldn't believe the artists who are pummeled on Twitter daily by people trolling and abusing them for charging to produce content. It's like there is an expectation that people shouldn't be paid for the time they put into making something. Once again this is happening in every facet of the content creator sphere. Yet again, you can guarantee that these same people that complain or give you bad reviews or whatever would never have paid in the first place. So I would encourage you to just push forward and do your thing, all the whiners be damned.
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by nyllover »

christo wrote: Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:06 pm @nyllover have you ever used OnlyFans?
I was not speaking from a customer perspective but from the creator one. For my job, I'm in touch with many models and many of them now switched to LoyalFans or, at the very least, opened a loyalfans saying "I'll keep Only fans while it lasts" and are now directing their clients to LoyalFans.
OnlyFans is a "shady" company, and this is a known fact from the whole adult industry. A company who doesn't care of the porn creatures and that has an history of treating them badly, shutting down accounts for no reason and stuff like that.
If you truly want to support creators, spread the word about Only Fans and, at the very least, be sure they have a backup option when their OnlyFans will be shut down or will face issues.

I have nothing personally against OnlyFans, I am only speaking by experience and by having business relationships with dozens of creators and production companies
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by ShoeplayJ »

Collegetownstudios wrote: Sun Mar 06, 2022 8:45 pm
ShoeplayJ wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:29 pmI TOTALLY get why they (the models) are so short and no nonsense with them. They have to be or they waste time and money.
I'm talking about when I approach them to purchase stuff. I get blocked religiously. Not sure why. I'm polite and ask them what the price is for the items they might be selling.

I find if I don't engage with them as a buyer, but just as a content creator, they are marginally more polite, but not by much.

But, that's my experience.
(Regarding the bolded part) Weird. In that case you probably aren't missing what you think you are, and these models likely won't be in business very long if that's their usual practice.

As far as overall politeness, unfortunately my original point still stands I'm afraid. I'd wager that said models are just on-guard with men in general for their own sanity, even with fellow content creators. I wouldn't take it personally. Sad to say that for every decent foot guy who is just looking to make an honest purchase/business connection, there seem to be several more losers who think these women owe them a good time for free, and they ruin it for the rest of us. They're the same ones who haggle us producers about content that's already priced fairly and then talk shit when we don't just give it to them.
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by nyllover »

ShoeplayJ wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:23 pm Sad to say that for every decent foot guy who is just looking to make an honest purchase/business connection, there seem to be several more losers who think these women owe them a good time for free, and they ruin it for the rest of us. They're the same ones who haggle us producers about content that's already priced fairly and then talk shit when we don't just give it to them.
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Re: The Absolute Rudeness from the Foot Community

Post by Collegetownstudios »

ShoeplayJ wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:23 pmThey're the same ones who haggle us producers about content that's already priced fairly and then talk shit when we don't just give it to them.
I think your point is indisputible.
We're talking about the same people.
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