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Body Language- Feet Placement

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 8:33 pm
by Baloo_135
I watched some YouTube where experts breakdown the body language of the feet. Subconsciously our feet point and lean into the direction of what we are interested in. For the most part it's accurate. In my dating years I peaked under tables to find the woman's feet tucked under her chair with ther knees locked together. Another bad sign is when their leg is crossed away and not even under the table. Of course the obvious ones not feet related are arms crossed and eyes wandering around the room.

The successful dates the girl had her feet pointes at me and even stretched towards me ( footsie is a slam dunk)

What if this subtle signs occurred by women who are not a Romantic partner? The public relations lady i meet with on occasion has me guessing. Her name is Lesley and she is pretty much Lois Lane. She always wears these leopard print loafers/ flats with black pants and a jean jacket. She'll sit next to me and always have her legs crossed towards me no matter what side I sit on. She'll do a mid dangle but she isn't much of a foot bouncer. I understand her aiming her feet my way since we deal with groucy old men but her foot get ridiculously close to my leg. If I wasn't a foot perv I wouldn't have noticed. She is married and we don't interact a lot but she doesn't mind dangling her shoe near me. I called her bluff one day and inched my leg towards her. Her foot ran into my leg and she left it there! She looked at me briefly as if to apologize for kicking me but she didn't retract?! 🤔. She by far has the softest feet. Is there more to this or she merely doesn't think feet contact and person's space is a big issue?

I have another friend who I used to work out with. A group of us went for a beer after a workout and we were in gym clothes. She was a sweet girl. Tall, leggy, long brown hair, tattoos, and goofy. She wore long socks all the time and this case she had short shorts, black mid length socks with teal horizontal stripes at the top, and a hoodie. We were good friends and she was engaged and nothing ever happened. After a few beers she seemed really into what I was talking about. Lots of eye contact and hair flipping. What started me was how her crossed legs were in-between mine. Then she stretched out one foot and rested it on my stool casually. We kept speaking and out came a minor footsie game. Her shoe slid against mine briefly. She realized and stopped and laughed. " im sorry! So sorry!" I said don't worry. She was a bit tipsy but took it as a compliment that her feet wanted to get to know me better lol. She is a catch. Her social media is her working out and she posts a lot barefoot. She is a shoe addict too. The other day she went out in sparkling pumps and videod how excited she was. Her fiancee is definitely receiving the footsie action.

Never have I cheated on my partners but these situations come up I can't act on. What about you guys? Women giving you the body language?

Re: Body Language- Feet Placement

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 7:29 am
by notalwaysright10000
"Is there more to this or she merely doesn't think feet contact and person's space is a big issue?"

No, there definitely is not more to this based upon what you described.

There is no such thing as a "body language expert."
Literally any time someone is referred to as "a [ ] expert" without any reference to the specific field of study that supposedly makes them an expert, they're a charlatan spouting pseudoscience. No exceptions. If you act in your personal life on the basis of what these people say, you're likely to embarrass yourself -at best.

You have to act on your own reading of the situation, and taking pseudoscience too seriously can distort your own reading or clear an illusory space for wishful thinking. If you let that happen you could really wind up with some egg on your face.

Re: Body Language- Feet Placement

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 11:06 am
by Vin
I'm not sure to be honest. In many cases it should be true what the body language says, but I remember when I was in high school I usually sat with one of the two close girl friends I had at the time. They felt comfortable around me as I didn't pursue them in any way. They'd be comfortable enough to press their leg/foot against mine when sitting with their legs crossed. There was never flirting involved, I always took it as a sign of comfort. However, as later turned out one of them (who was actually less willing to do this "footsie") had a crush on me and I was oblivious to that for years. I remember once I was waiting for her get dressed for a party we were going to. She usually wore ballet flats for school with nylons and leggings, but when we went out she'd put on high heels (she was a short girl). Once she decided to wear heels with 2 straps and instead of doing it herself she placed her shoed foot on my lap and asked me to fasten it. I regretted later that I wasn't that much into her, as she could probably be a source of a lot of good stories to share here. And from the time perspective I'm almost certain we would be involved in some foot play.