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A contest for interested readers

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:27 am
by Hamilton
I first became a member of this forum in December 2013. My first post was a Christmas story. Since that post I have written a new Christmas story every year and posted it. In addition to those stories I posted two additional older Christmas stories that predated my joining the forum.
For the start of a new decade I have come up with a bit of a contest for interested readers. Below is a list of years, Christmas story characters, and character professions. The first person to match the correct profession to the character and the year that character appeared in a story will win the contest.

The prize will be a custom story written by me. The winner can specify any detail they want in the story EG plot summary, setting, specific characters, character descriptions, specific situations, foot preferences, whatever.

If you want to participate post you answer to this thread. The first correct answer will be the winner. I’m ending this contest at January 15, 2020 UTC 00:00 whether there is a winner or not.

If there is a winner, the winner can contact me via private messaging as to the desired story details. The winner will have all rights to the story and it will be up to the winner to post the story if they desire.

Good luck.

2007 Bianca Administrative Assistant
2009 Celyn Auditor
2013 Connie Barista
2014 Gabrielle Car Dealer
2015 Greer CEO
2016 Lisa Dental Hygenist
2017 Melissa Executive Assistant
2018 Molly Personal Assistant
2019 Nicole Sales Woman

Re: A contest for interested readers

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:42 am
by Ibns
Welp...let's go

2009...Connie......Car Dealer
2013...Melissa.....Executive Asst. (Well, she's an asst to an exec, so I feel it fits best)
2014...Nicole.......Admin Asst. (She does get promoted in the first act, but I feel this fits best)
2015...Gabrielle...Personal Asst.
2018...Celyn.......Dental Hygenist

Re: A contest for interested readers

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 5:01 am
by Hamilton
Congratulation Ibns!

You are the winner! You are indeed a careful reader and you flatter me by the details you recall. I appreciate the attention you have given to my stories.

Please forward me the specifics of the story you would like me to write for you. You can contact me via private messaging or give me the details in this thread. I hope I can give your idea the justice it deserves. I look forward to writing it.

Thanks for your participation.



Re: A contest for interested readers

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:41 pm
by thieph
Where can one find these stories?

Re: A contest for interested readers

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:29 am
by Hamilton
At one time all these stories were posted to this forum but due to some unfortunate circumstances they were all deleted. The current Christmas story, "A White Christmas Gift", is currently posted under the 'Dreams, stories and reality' section of this forum. I have copies all of the stories, since I wrote them. If there is enough interest I may re-post the stories to this forum over time.

For now please enjoy the following:

Copyright 2007

Greer Tatum leaned against the bar as she waited for her club soda. She was making her
obligatory appearance at the company Christmas party but hoped to leave soon so she
could spend time with her young daughter. Darting her eyes from side to side to make
sure no one might be looking at her and convinced of her privacy within the crowd of
people she popped the heel of her left foot out of its stylish high heeled pump. Her hot
steamy stocking covered toes now had the freedom to wiggle slightly. Easing her foot
further and further back out of her shoe her stocking was soon hovering above her empty
shoe; her toes were wiggling wildly. Gingerly resting her foot on top of her shoe she
anticipated receiving her drink.

"Greer" a man said simultaneously putting his had around waist.

Quickly Greer tried to fumble back into her shoe but it was to no avail. The man, Greers
boss, was pulling her away. Desperately Greer stretched her leg and stocking foot to drag
her shoe with her but just pushed it out of reach.

"Im glad you could make it. I want you to meet some people", her boss said.

Drinkless and with one shoe Greer reluctantly cheerfully walked with her boss. They met two
men standing by an empty table. Greer wrapped her stocking foot behind
her other leg as she was introduced and began to rub the top of her foot up and down her

After some brief conversation during which Greer felt extremely self conscious the group
sat down. As the conversation continued and Greer became more relaxed she pushed her
other shoe off under the table. She used both of her stocking feet to position her shoe
upright in front of her chair. She sat with the shoe between her stocking feet as if they were
protecting the lone shoe.

"So you want me to fly out to Dallas the day after tomorrow Greer" asked with concern.

Her mind was streaming with ideas about rearranging her personal schedule and
arranging care for her young daughter.

Her boss began to speak. Greer leaned forward and crossed her ankles beneath her chair
and nervously ran her nylon covered toes along the wood stretcher.

"I know it will wreak havoc with your holiday schedule but your really the only one with
the talent and skill to close this deal. Her boss said. Harvard will be there and you're
our best shot."

Greer's boss knew that the mention of Harvard would get Greers competitive juices
flowing. Harvard was a nickname Greer gave to Ashley Marist, a Harvard MBA. Both
Ashley and Greer competed against one another on many of the same deals for their
respective companies. Ashley was definitely more knowledgeable but Greer was a bit
more street smart and played up her feminine attractiveness more. Ashley won a few
more deals for her company but Greer always enjoyed competing against her. Greer
slipped her shoe back on under the table. She kept her stocking foot flat on the floor and
crossed her legs.

"Look we'll make it easy for you.", her boss continued. "I'll use my points and fly you
out First Class roundtrip. I'll have limo service the whole way for you. All you need is
one carry on bag and it will just be like a long day at work."

Smiling smugly, Greer popped the heel out of her shoe and began swinging her leg not
realizing that that exact same action under the table in Dallas would seal her outcome
against Harvard.

After agreeing to the trip Greer excused herself from the table and party. She walked
away wearing her one shoe and just touch her stocking toes to the floor on every other
step. The slight unevenness of her gait put an extra attractive swing in her hips.
Greers bosss eyes lingered on the beautiful woman sashaying away. She certainly did not look
like a mother to him. It was then that he noticed that she was wearing only one shoe. It
was a curious sight but it definitely made her more attractive.

Arriving back at the bar, Greer began to look for her shoe. It was gone! She saw another
womans shoe and a few women in their stocking feet on the dance floor but her shoe
was nowhere to be found. Not wishing to delay her exit from the party she took off her
other shoe and left the party in her stocking feet.

The sidewalk and parking lot was very cold so Greer put on her one shoe to walk to her
car. Once in the car she turned on the heat to warm up her car. When the cold toes of
her left foot felt warm and wiggled comfortably she kicked off her right shoe and put the
car in gear.

Greer stood outside of her sisters house wearing her one shoe and rang the doorbell. She
was greeted by her sister and her four year old daughter. Her sister and daughter noticed
her stocking foot at the same time. Greer gave a dont even ask glance to her sister but
her daughter blurted out "What happened to your shoe mommy"?

Smiling at her daughter Greer replied, "You know how mommy always tells you to keep
your shoes on when we go out. Well mommy didn't listen and I took my shoe off and
lost it".

On the way home, Greer kept her right shoe on as she drove. She and her daughter
listened to Christmas songs and she tapped her stocking toes in time with the music until
they got home.

The next evening Greer was in the mall taking her daughter to see Santa Claus. She had
called the bar where she had lost her shoe to see if they found it but they did not. This
she felt gave her a good excuse to by a new pair of shoes for her business trip. On the
way to Santa a pair of shoes at the Coach store caught her eyes. Dragging her daughter
into the store she inquired about shoes. Only one pair was available in her size. She
caressed the shoe in her hands and looked at the price. Her impatient daughter tugged at
her coat. Greer was annoyed at her daughters interruption but in the time it took to turn
her head the Christmas spirit came over her and she smile at her child as she put the shoe back on
the table.

Greers daughter leapt happily off of Santas lap and ran towards her mother. As Greer
and her daughter towards the exit Greers daughter said "Now you can get your shoes

Realizing that the $300.00 for the shoes could be spent on making her daughter happier
for Christmas Greer replied "Mommy was just looking honey".

Not knowing the ways of the world, Greers daughter wanted to buy the shoes for her
mother but when the passed by the store her daughter saw that the shoe was missing from
the table. Seeing her daughter begin to cry and seeing the shoe missing from the table
Greer stooped down to hug her daughter tightly. It was the most loving hug they had in a
long time. Greers heels popped out of her shoes.

The mother and daughter left the mall without Greer giving a second thought to the
missing shoes not knowing how important those missing shoes really were.

Early in the dim lit morning Greer pulled a pair of jeans over her pantyhose covered legs.
In many ways Greer felt that her jeans felt better when she was wearing pantyhose. She
padded over to a lighted mirror and checked her appearance. The top half of her designer
business suit which she was wearing looked perfect as did her makeup. The matching
skirt and pumps were in her carryon bag. She picked up a pair of clogs and her carryon
bag and tiptoed past her daughters room in her stocking feet. Putting her clogs and bag
quietly by the front door she sat down at her small kitchen to await her younger sister and the
limo ride. Propping her stocking feet up on the opposite chair she rubbed them together
and listened to the quiet rustle of nylon as she drifted off to a few more moments of sleep.
Greer awoke as her sister opened the front door with her key. After a small chat about
how appreciative Greer was that her sister could watch her daughter and how her sister
did last semester the limo arrived and Greer shuffled quickly to the front door and slipped
into her clogs. Greer's sister removed her Ugg boots and sat down at the small kitchen
table. Propping her stocking feet up on the opposite chair she rubbed them together and
listened to the quiet rustle of her reindeer socks as she drifted off to a few moments of

In the security section of the airport Greer noticed an attractive man with a well developed upper
body a little ahead of her in line. He was wearing short sleeves in winter probably just to
show off his biceps Greer thought. She noticed the man was taking great interest in the
women removing their shoes for the security check. Greer thought he might be a foot
guy. She was bored and she thought she might have a little fun. Bending her knee and
lifting up her right foot she relaxed her toes. Her clog fell with a resoundingly loud clop.
The man ahead of her turned his head back to look at Greer wildly wiggling her toes.
She patted her stocking toes on the ground to find her clog all the while smiling and
looking at the man trying to look back at her without seeming to look back at her.
Feeling her clog she flipped it over and twirled with her stocking foot before slipping her
foot back into it. Greer realized she was right.

For the rest of the time in the security line Greer kept using her stocking feet to play with
her clogs always making sure she was making enough noise to attract the man in front of
her. As it turned out the man and her were on the same flight. She saw him sitting
several seats away every once in a while glancing over to her to see if she had slipped off
her clogs. Greer then noticed the ticket agent slipping her foot out of her pump. The
agent then put her stocking flat on the floor. The man was enthralled. Greer just could
not resist having more fun.

She crossed her legs and dropped her clog loudly again. The man glanced over to Greer
and she scooped the clog up with her stocking covered toes. Letting the clog twist onto
her big toe she let it dangle as she slowly rotated her ankle. Greer smirked to herself as
she looked at the man who looked like he was watching a tennis match. His eyes would
dart to the gate agent wearing one shoe and then back to Greers swaying clog.
After a little while the gate agent put on her shoe and Greer capture all the mans
attention. Greer thought that she was not really teasing the man; she was just giving him
a Christmas gift.

As fate would have it the man and Greer were seated next to each other in First Class.
Once the plane was airborne Greer decided to break the ice.

"I hope you dont mind if I take off my shoes", said Greer.

"I ah I ah dont mind at all" stammered the man.

Not wanting to get too familiar Greer made sure she crossed her legs away from the man
and pretended to look out her window. Wagging her toes she saw the reflection of the
mans eyes bulging out of their sockets in the window. She was self satisfied at being
right about the man, she was amused at the power she had over the man, and she was
happy she could entertain the man. Greer smiled to herself and brushed a piece of lint off
her stocking foot.

During the flight Greer found out that the man was a Sous Chef at Chez Toi. His
grandmother had bought him a First Class ticket to visit her for a day before he flew to
France. He had an opportunity to be a meat cook at one of the finest restaurants in Paris.
The restaurant had a traditional Christmas Eve feast that he had to work. So he was going
to spend his Christmas and the next few years of his life in France. Greer shared much
less information about herself to the man. Whenever the man had asked a question she
didnt want to answer she just flexed her foot. Other than being an attractive foot guy
Greer and the man had little mutual interest in each other and both were fine with that.

Once at the Dallas airport Greer ducked into the ladies room and changed into her skirt
and heels before finding her limo driver. Greer thought it was really cool to have a driver
standing there with her name on a card. It was definitely the way to travel she thought as
she kicked her shoes off in the stretch limo.

When Greer arrived at the meeting Ashley was already waiting there for their
appointment. She was dressed in a skirt suit that was twice as expensive as Greer's and
she was wearing the Coach shoes Greer had seen at the mall. The two women were
fierce competitors but they always had a polite small talk civility between each other.

"I love your shoes." Greer said.

"Thank you. I just bought them the other night at the mall", Ashley replied. She slipped
her foot out of her shoe and pointed to the label with her stocking toe. "They're Coach".

Greer and Ashley were meeting with the CFO who was a charming southern bell an
impeccably dressed in a pink suit, wispy white stockings, and pink patent leather pointy
toed stiletto pumps. She was a trim short woman who wore four inch heels to increase
her stature.

Shortly they were seated for the meeting the CFO slipped her shoes off under the table.
Years of wearing high heels gave her tender painful hammer toes. Her charming smile
became more genuine now that she was more comfortable. The presentations and pitches
started in earnest. There was a multi million dollar deal at stake and neither Greer nor
Ashley was getting an edge.

The noon hour was approaching and the CFO reluctantly slipped her stocking feet back
into her shoes. She suggested they go to lunch and continue their discussions in a more
relaxed atmosphere.

Their lunch was at elegant upscale French restaurant. The CFO again removed her shoes
under the table sure that the long table cloths hid her stocking feet. Ashley wiggled her
toes to find a little more comfort inside her new tight Coach pumps. Casual conversation
was monopolized by Ashley whose hobby was French cooking. She sincerely helped
Greer understand the French menu she was studying. All the women decided to have a
glass and Ashley suggested a red vintage. After a few sips of the wine Ashley was
gaining confidence in her business position as far as the deal was concerned. She crossed
her legs and leaned back in her chair. Ashley, who was smiling smugly, popped the heel
out of her shoe and began swinging her leg not knowing how close her dangling shoe was
to the CFOs sore toes.

The more sips of wine that Ashley took the further her Coach pump slipped down toes.
Soon the food came and Greer repositioned her chair to slightly. She crossed he legs and
in advertently bumped Ashleys dangling shoe knocking onto the CFOs sore tender toes.
Ashley felt her shoe fall off her foot and heard the CFO scream. Before Greer could
apologize for knocking off Ashleys shoe Ashley apologized to the CFO. Frantically she
reached under the table for shoe and bumped the CFOs sore toes again. There was
another little scream.

Just wanting to get her shoe back on as quickly as possible Ashley accidentally stuffed
the table cloth tightly in to her shoe with her stocking toes. With her shoe firmly on her
foot Ashley uncrossed her legs and pulled the table cloth dumping red wine and food onto
the CFO who was reaching down to rub her sore toes. Quickly Ashley took off her shoe to
free her foot from the table cloth and began to stand up to help the CFO. While standing
Ashley stepped on the CFOs abused toes.

Wearing her jeans and clogs again Greer settled into her First Class window seat for her
flight home. She was very satisfied at closing the deal successfully for her company.
The man she was sitting next to on the flight down was few rows behind her on the
opposite side of the cabin. She was confident he could not see her feet but was making a
point of keeping her stocking feet in her clogs. Greer noticed it was a very crowded
flight but for now the aisle seat next to her remained empty. Soon her gaze turned to the
window and she thought of her daughter. Soon she would home for Christmas.
Greers peaceful thoughts were soon interrupted by a familiar shrill "Oh come on. Is this
the only seat left"?

Greer turned to see Ashley standing there still wearing her designer suit and her Coach

The first 45 minutes of the flight were spent in awkward uncomfortable silence.

"I'm really sorry I knocked your shoe off" said Greer.

"I'll bet you are snapped back" Ashley "Real professional way to win a business deal.

Hey I wasn't looking under the table to see if the CFO had her shoes off" Greer averred,
"and if you didnt have your shoe half off of your foot the whole thing wouldnt have

Suddenly, Ashley burst out in laughter.

"That was funny" she said.

Greer started laughing too.
"I'm glad you said that", replied Greer.

The laughter broke the ice and Greer and Ashley actually had a pleasant conversation.
Ashley was surprised that Greer was looking at the exact same shoes she was wearing
and that the only reason she did not buy the shoes was because she was trying to save
money for Christmas, for her daughter. Greer certainly did not look like a single mother.
Greer was surprised that Ashley was spending a destination Christmas in France alone
after her girlfriend could not make the trip at the last minute. Since Greer was heading
home for a happy Christmas with her daughter and since she had the better of the
business deal, she decided to give Ashley a Christmas gift.

"Ashley", said Greer, "See that good looking guy back there"?

Turning back to look Ashley nodded yes and said "I'm a sucker for a man with big guns
like that".

"He's a sous chef going to France" said Greer knowing that would pique Ashleys

"I like that", said Ashley.

"I know how you can meet him Greer", told Ashley.
"How", asked Ashley?

He's a foot guy", responded Greer.

"That's creepy", said Ashley.

"Not really", replied Greer "I've known foot guys theyre really not creeps. You get a lot
of foot massages"?
"That's nice", responded Ashley.

"Just cross your legs and let your shoe dangle in the aisle like it was dangling under the
table at lunch"advised Greer.

A few moments past and Ashley crossed her legs and let her foot poke into the aisle she
ran her fingers down her calf and pushed the heel of her shoe off her foot. A quick
glance back to the man and Ashley knew Greer was right.

"Work it girl", whispered Greer "Rotate your ankle and let that shoe hang off your toes".

Ashley just giggled.
The man got up and walked towards the restroom and paused as he passed Ashley
glancing down at her half exposed sultry stocking foot.

After he passed Greer whispered to Ashley.
"Drop your shoe when he comes back"

Ashley did as Greer suggested and the man stooped down and grasped Ashley stocking
foot to put her shoe back on her stocking foot.

Greer spotted a twinkle in the man's and Ashley's eyes. It was twinkle brighter than St.
