A Few Thoughts on the Late Steve Irwin

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Dead Parrot
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A Few Thoughts on the Late Steve Irwin

Post by Dead Parrot »

A few years ago when I had a television I would channel surf immediately after turning the thing on each day. One of the shows I habitually stopped to watch was anything Steve Irwin was hosting.

Steve was a rare commodity on television: an irrepressible optimist with an absolute wealth of knowledge about his chosen field, and a relentless drive to explore and experience nature.

This wasn't a job for Steve, it was his life. He seemed to be the type of man who woke up every day with a big smile and resounding "Crikey! Let's go!" How many of us do the same each morning? Very few I would wager.

I don't believe so much any more that each man on this planet has a "purpose" in life. Finding your purpose seems a good marketing ploy for life-coaches and motivational speakers.

I believe it simply a matter of doing the things you are interested in, and are good at. Maybe that's part of the "finding your purpose" mantra, but why go through the window dressing?

Steve Irwin genuinely liked what he was doing. It showed in every part of his life. That enthusiasm also caused him to cross paths with a woman who was a kindred spirit. While a woman is not necessary for a man to live a full life, she can certainly enhance the experience, and perhaps spur him to greater heights of achievement.

Plus, Steve worked his way to the top of a field few parents or career counselors would suggest, let alone approve of: zookeeper/wildlife expert.

So what's the point here? My point gentlemen is that if you are restless, unhappy and chafing at the bit in your present circumstances, then it's probably way past time you looked at changing.

Don't believe you must be eternally shackled by debt, conflict and society's expectations. Look beyond what you are told to do by the thousands of yammering voices in your ears each day.

Think about how you want to live your life.
Investigate the possiblities.
Make a plan.
Then act.

Steve Irwin was a man, a man who taught us all how to live.

You own your life, so decide how you want to live it.

Rest in peace Steve, and thanks.

Dead Parrot

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Post by stewdredd »

Well said man...Well said.

RIP Sir Crocodile Hunter...u will be greatly missed...greatly...
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Post by bigfoot »

When i heard the news of his passing and how he passed it was surprising! Even though I have disagreed with holding your newborn while feeding a croc, he was an entertaining young man who will be missed!
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Post by jediofthefeet »

Its always sad when someone dies or is killed doing what they love.

Examples are Redd Foxx, John Ritter, Brandon Lee, Heather O' Rourke, and high school football players.
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Post by Footsiefreak »

I am still in shock over his death and feel terrible I watched his shows all the time.I thought he was crazy but realize he wanted to share his compassion with all of us.

But....this should be the life you lead if you have no kids who love and depend on you to be there.Family comes first in my opinion.Your love for them should come before all of you other loves.The guy was reckless the last time I watched his show he was right on top of a 10 foot tiger shark the most dangerous predator in the water.No matter how trained you are they are still unpredictable wild animals.

I will never forget his enthusiasm because the world lost a true legend.R.I.P Mr Steve Irwin.
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