2022 Christmas Story

Write here your dreams, your stories, your experiences of footsie or other situations where a foot had been used to seduce

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2022 Christmas Story

Post by Hamilton »

Copyright 2022
The end is the beginning
The pink socks her grandmother knitted her were very cute but they were wool; they would make her feet itch intolerably. Ella Cinder decided to pull on some black winter tights and then pulled the socks over her feet in order to protect her delicate feet from the wool. It was a cold day so she pulled her ripped skinny jeans over her tights. She stepped in front of the full-length mirror and was pleased. Despite what she ate at Thanksgiving her lithe body showed no bloat. She was travelling so comfort was the rule of the day. Instead of accentuating her physical assets she pulled on an oversized red cotton sweatshirt. Shoes could wait until after breakfast.
“You’re” wearing the socks I knitted for you dear”, said Ella’s grandmother.
Ella slid her left foot towards her grandmother and flexed het toes.
“Yes, I am”, she said proudly as she smiled and hugged her grandmother. She put her arm around her grandmother and the both walked into the dining room.
Everyone was going their separate way today to return to the lives that they had built for themselves away from their parent’s home.
During breakfast the grandmother gave Ella and her three brothers a little gift and then began to speak.
“It’s been nice to see all of you this Thanksgiving”, she started. “It has been a long time since this Covid thing has been around”.
Ella noticed her brother wasn’t paying attention so she kicked him under table with her stocking foot and pointed to their grandmother.
Her grandmother continued, “I’d like to see all of you for Christmas again. I know some of you might not be planning to come since you all live so far away so I’ve given you these gifts. I’m sure you all remember that I always display my creche and you all know how much it means to me. I’ve given all of you a figurine from my creche. Luke, Jay, and Paul each have a wiseman and you Ella have the baby Jesus. I can’t display my creche unless you all return for Christmas”.
Ella gave her family hugs and kisses and boarded the train. The cars were empty and she had her choice of seats but she knew it would get uncomfortably crowded at the next stop in 45 minutes. She took a seat by the window and put her backpack on the seat next to her. The ankle boots she was wearing were very tight because of her thick pink socks. Her pink socks were also making her feet very hot; she unzipped boots. Then she pulled out her laptop so she could catch up on work.
As she read through her emails, she pushed the heel of her left boot with the toe of her right boot, and began slipping her foot out of its boot. Once her foot was entirely out of her boot, she used her stocking foot to try to push off her other boot but her toes kept slipping off the heel of her other boot. Ella crossed her legs and reached down to pull her boot off with her hand. She had her boot halfway off when she took notice of an important email. Ella stopped tugging at her boot and brought hand back to the keyboard. What she anticipated but hope would not happen, happened.
As she studied the email, she flexed her foot and the boot began to slide off her foot. She pointed her toes downward and the boot slid off her foot. Ella sat back in her chair and contemplated the situation. Her hot feet were distracting her from thinking so she pulled off her pink socks. The black tights covering her feet were moist with sweat and her feet began to cool immediately. She fanned out the toes of both feet to let them cool faster and stretch after being trapped in the boots. She felt her feet getting cooler.
Ella uncrossed her legs, sat back in her seat and sighed. She put her feet flat on the floor, her hands on her knee and began curling and uncurling her toes as she thought about the ramifications to come. After a little while, Ella reached down to neatly arrange her boots upright under her seat and pick up her socks. She folded up her socks and put them in her bag on top of the baby Jesus. Looking at her stocking toes she reached down and aligned the toe seam of her tights over the tips of her toes.
Lydia McAdam’s shoe dangling was conspicuous to all in the coffee shop. She had the habit of dangling her shoe when she was bored, or nervous and when she was wearing hosiery. Today she was wearing cream colored pantyhose with black heels. She was nervous and bored as she awaited Ella. When Lydia crossed her right leg over her left knee her right leg and foot protruded clearly out from under the table. Her well-manicured fingers pushed the heel of her shoe off the heel of her foot. One ankle roll, and foot flex later her shoe was balanced precariously on the tip of her toes. She wagged her foot slightly and her shoe gently swayed back and forth.
As Lawrence Kopp stood in line waiting to order his coffee, he couldn’t help but notice the slim dark- haired woman sipping her latte and dangling her shoe. The swinging bobbing movement of her high heel was hypnotic. He became so enthralled at the site that he missed the barista summoning him. The person behind him had to give him nudge. After getting his coffee, Lawrence walked towards the attractive woman in the skirt and blazer. He glanced at her breasts under her silk top but the returned his gaze to her shoe hanging on her toes. Briefly he thought of brushing against her shoe as he walked by her. How could the shoe not fall he thought?
As he got closer Lydia looked up and they made eye contact. She smiled which completely caught Lawrence completely off guard. Lawrence smiled back and said, “I think your shoe is going to fall off”.
His utterance caught Lydia off guard and she looked at her foot. Shaking her foot, a little more she responded. “I won’t lose it I can let it hang there all day”. She broadened her smile.
Just then Ella entered the coffee shop. Seeing Lydia Ella gave her a quick wave as she stepped in line to order. Lydia reached down and pulled her shoe tightly on to her foot to Lawrence’s disappointment.
“My friend is here”, said Lydia. “We have a business meeting now”.
“I understand”, replied Lawrence. “I have a meeting to get to too”.
Lawrence and Lydia smiled at each other again and parted ways. Lawrence glanced at Lydia’s lithe blond friend. She looked stunning in her white duster coat, blue tailored suit, taupe hose and taupe heels.
After a few minutes Ella joined Lydia. She put her Americano on the table and the two women greeted each other with a hug and sat down together.
“You know it feels good to get dressed up after all that time in sweats at home during Covid”, said Ella. “Except for these heels”
Ella reached under the table and pulled off her offending shoe. She closed her eyes and sighed. There was a muffled clop of and empty shoe hitting the floor.
“This pair of pantyhose make my toes slide down in my shoes and my toes get squished” she said as she tucked her left foot under her right knee. “I should have worn my boots”.
“So, you think there is a chance we can keep our jobs”, Lydia anxiously asked?
Ella began massaging her sore toes.
“Yes, I do”, replied Ella, “There is a chance”. There was another clop as Ella kicked off her other shoe. She began rubbing her foot on the cool metal base of the table.
“I did some research on the takeovers Leon has done. He has a pattern. He brings the leaders of the redundant departments together. The people from his existing company and the people from the new company”.
Lydia began dangling her shoe again.
Ella continued, “He has the people in the same departments team up to learn about similarities and differences in the departments. Ooh…”
Ella stopped in midsentence as she felt the toe of her stocking foot snag on a rough spot of the table base. She dropped her left foot to the floor picked up her right foot so she could examine he toe. “It’s OK”, she said, “I thought I ran my hose”.
“I only wear Sheertex now”, said Lydia. She dropped her shoe and stuck her foot out for Ella to see. “They’re run proof”.
Looking at Lydia’s foot Ella reach towards it with her fingers then stopped.
“You can touch them “, said Lydia.
Ella lightly brushed Lydia’s foot with her fingers and was impressed with their feel. When Ella lifted her fingers Lydia withdrew, her foot.
“Now continue with what you were saying”, said Lydia.
“Yes”, started Ella, “He then challenges each person individually to create an improvement plan for the department. He decides who came up with the better plan and puts them in charge of the department. He fires the other person. Our chance is to be the person with the better plan”.
Lydia sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. She then uncrossed and recrossed her legs putting her stocking foot flat on the floor.
“That sounds like a better plan for you than me”, said Lydia, “You have a Wharton MBA”! I just took out a home equity loan to try and payoff my student loans.
Ella put her foot on top of Lydia’s stocking foot and said, “We’re friends. Let’s go to the meeting and see what happens. Maybe I can take care of you”.
Nikki Ziti walked padded around her apartment in her black stocking feet collecting documents to stuff in her bag. She had spent the weekend reading and planning for the Leon’s meeting today; she knew the stakes. With all her document collected she closed her bag and walked over to her high heeled ankle boots by the chair. Sitting down she looked at her boots and then looked at her nylon covered feet. Nikki loved the way the boots looked but hated wearing them, so she hesitated before pulling them on her feet. She knew once she zipped them up, they would be on her feet all day and feet would be in agony. Her pumps were much more comfortable but she dared not wear them lest she subconsciously slip off during the meeting. There was no chance of slipping out of her boots subconsciously.
Everyone who worked for Leon remembered the CFO incident. During a board meeting the CFO slipped her shoes off under the table. Although she was discrete Leon noticed her stocking feet under her chair. He felt that was terribly unprofessional for an executive so he laid into her in front off everyone chastising her for removing her shoes. It was an unprofessional display from Leon but he had wealth, power and no sense of irony. The poor embarrassed CFO was flustered and ended up pushing a shoe out of reach as she tried put them on again. Her flailing stocking foot angered Leon even more and he fired her on the spot. There was a lawsuit and settlement but that didn’t seem to bother Leon that much.
Nikki reluctantly pulled on her boots.
Long tables were arranged in a U shape. The front of the tables had floor length skirt attached. Leon’s staff had set the tables up so Leon would have difficulty seeing anyone’s feet. This was to avoid any more lawsuits. There were name plates at all the chairs.
Lydia and Ella arrived at the meeting room together. They were early and had the room to themselves. Lydia and Ella were seated on opposite sides of the room opposing each other. Their names were paired with names of people in Leon’s existing company. Ella was paired with Nikki Ziti. Lydia was paired with Lawrence Kopp.
Lydia sat down in her place crossed her legs and pushed the heel of her shoe off her foot with her finger. She began slightly swing her leg and her heel slowly began hanging further out on her toes. Ella eased her toes by slipping both of her shoes off and reaching down with both hands to rub her toes on their respective feet. The carpet in the conference room was thickly padded and plush. After briefly rubbing her toes, Ella slid her feet back and forth over the carpet. Other people started enter the room and Ella quickly slipped her feet back into her shoes but she left her heels out a little bit to save her toes.
“What a coincidence”, said Lawrence as he walked up to his place and saw the girl from the coffee shop.
He noticed Lydia dangling her shoe off her big toe.
“Hi”, said Lydia.
Lawrence leaned in towards Lydia and whispered, “A word to the wise, I’d pull your shoe back on”.
“What”, asked Lydia? “You don’t like my foot? You certainly notice it a lot”.
“It’s for your own good”, replied Lawrence. “The big boss really goes crazy when he sees feet. He fired a girl because she had her shoes off at a meeting”.
“Oh, thank you”, said Lydia. She looked at Lawrence looking at her foot as she pulled her shoe back on her foot.
They exchange pleasantries and small talk for a few minutes and then Lydia said “I think you are a foot guy”.
“What” said Lawrence incredulously.
“Let me try to prove it to you”, said Lydia. “What color nail polish do I have on my toes”?
“Satin green”, said Lawrence.
“Right”, replied Lydia. She reached down and removed her shoe proving Lawrence right. “Now what color eyes do I have”?
Lawrence remained silent.
Nikki introduced her self to Ella. They too exchange pleasantries and Nikki made note that that Ella had her feet half out of her shoes.
Leon entered the room and immediately walked to the podium.
“By Christmas Eve half of you will be gone”, he started.
This was exactly what Ella predicted and what Nikki knew would happen. Ella was feeling a bit smug so she sat up a little straighter, pulled her right foot out of its shoe and crossed her legs. Her left foot tipped her other pump on it side and rested flat on the plush carpet. All this was hidden from Leon by the front skirt of the table but none of it was hidden from Nikki.
Nikki had reviewed Ella’s resume. Her Ivy League credentials and successful business performance record made her a formidable rival but Nikki found her Achilles heel.
“All of you have redundant roles”, continued Leon, “I abhor redundancy”.
Nikki saw Ella’s right shoe and she saw Ella was concentrating on Leon so she nudged Ella’s shoe with her foot and began pushing it towards the front skirt of the table.
“Each of you have been paired with your counterpart. I want you two to work together to learn how each of your department’s work.”
Nikki had to stretch her leg quite a bit to keep pushing Ella’s shoe. and with one final kick she pushed the shoe out from under the table.
Lawrence whispered to Lydia, “I think your friend is in trouble”.
Lydia looked towards Ella and clearly saw her taupe pump in front of the black table skirt.
Leon was focused on ASIAPAC issues and was looking away from Ella as he addressed the ASIAPAC pair of executives.
Lydia quickly texted Ella.
Ella’s phone was in her bag on silent but the baby Jesus was resting on the phone allowing Ella to hear a vibration. She pulled her phone out and looked at the message “Everyone can see your shoe”
Nikki saw Ella looking at her phone and saw Ella uncross her legs. Nikki quickly pulled her leg back just before Ella looked under the table. Elle stuck her foot out from under the table and her toes felt for her shoe.
Lydia looked on in horror as now everyone could see not only her shoe but also her stocking footbflitting around.
Lawrence was enjoying the show.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Lydia, Ella’s toes found the spiked heel of her shoe. Her toes curled around the heel and she was able to drag her foot and heel out go sight beneath the table just before Leon looked at Ella and Nikki.
“After you have worked together to learn everything about your respective departments”, Leon continued, each of you will work independently to propose how you can reduce OPEX and increase Operating Income. I will evaluate each proposal. The person with the best proposal will head of the new department. The other person will be dismissed. I want the proposals by COB Christmas Eve and I want everyone selected to meet here on Christmas to start work. We are hitting the beginning of the year running”.
Ella looked in her open bag and saw the baby Jesus.
After the meeting Lydia explained Leon’s reaction to feet at meetings. Ella thanked Lydia for the text message and then began to suspect Nikki as the one who pushed her shoe out from under the table.
During their time working together Ella remained extremely cordial but she kept Nikki at arm’s length. She also kept the fact she knew of Leon’s reaction to feet. Ella would also purposely play with her shoes from time to time and study Nikki’s reaction or see if she would mention anything.
One time Ella and Nikki were working late together. Ella was wearing her comfy boots. Nikki was wearing her boots too but Nikki’s feet were showing subtle signs of discomfort. There was plenty of ankle rolling. There was plenty of leaning and weight shifting when she was standing. The telltale sign, though, was rubbing her foot through the boot while she was sitting. Ella, who was in no distress, decided to do an experiment as they ate their delivered dinner.
“Mind if I remove my boots”, asked Ella?
“No”, said Nikki.
Ella removed her boots revealing her feet in thin red Christmas socks. She exaggeratedly stretched her feet to show how comfortable she felt. She watched Nikki for her next move.
Nikki took a small bite of her sandwich and swallowed it.
“Maybe I’ll take my boots off too”, said Nikki.
She removed her boots revealing her feet in sheer black nylon socks. Ella picked up a not unexpected scent.
As the two women continued to work in their stocking feet Nikki seemed to be bonding with Ella but she never mentioned anything about Leon.
Nikki asked Ella a question about CAPEX depreciation.
“I have that information”, said Ella as she opened her bag and Nikki saw the baby Jesus.
“What’s that”, asked Nikki.
Ella explained her grandmother request.
“So, what are you going to do if you have to be here for Christmas”, asked Nikki with sincerity?
Ella wondered if Nikki and her were becoming close then she looked at Nikki’s stocking feet and realized tomorrow they would start working on their individual proposal.
“I’ll figure something out”, replied Ella.
Lydia and Lawrence were getting closer as they worked together. Lawrence was definitely I foot guy and over time Lydia’s shoe dangling turned into shoe removal. The first thing Lydia would do when they were in their private work space was kick off her shoes. She liked to prop her stocking feet up on the table when they were working. It was hard for Lawrence to concentrate and Lydia liked it that way. Both of them rued the fact that they would have to compete against each other for a job. Lydia really needed to keep her job and so did Lawrence.
On this day work was more serious. Lydia’s shoes were off as usual but her sheer nude stocking feet were under the table not on top of it. Lawrence was wearing tasseled loafers instead of his polished oxfords. As they worked Lydia’s foot slid forward in search of Lawrence’s feet. Her toes touched the toe of Lawrence’s loafer. Her foot slid on top of Lawrence’s shoe and her toes started to toy with the tassels. Lydia looked at Lawrence and he had no reaction. Suddenly Lydia’s toes were crushing the toe of Lawrence’s loafer. Before Lydia realized it Lawrence had slid his foot out of his loafer his warm toes were on top of Lydia’s foot. He smiled broadly at Lydia. She pulled her foot back then pushed both of her feet towards Lawrence’s other foot. Using her two feet she pried Lawrence’s other loafer;
“Gotcha”, she said.
The two settled down and spent the next few minutes rubbing their feet together.
“Tomorrow, we split up to work on our proposals”, Lydia said.
“I know”, said Lawrence.
Lydia inserted her toes up Lawrence’s pant leg.
“What if we both present the exact same proposal”, asked Lydia? “What would Leon do”?
“That’s happened before”, replied Lawrence. “He’d pick me. He goes with what he knows. It’s best if we honestly compete”
Both of them pulled back their feet.
Ella finished running on the treadmill blotted the sweat of her face with a clean towel and took a sip from her water bottle. She snaked through the halls back to her hotel room. In her room she stripped of he shoes and then peeled of her sweaty socks. She took off he sweat pants and shirt and threw them in a corner then sat down in front of her laptop in her underwear with a towel draped over the back of her neck. Ella looked at the baby Jesus next to her laptop as she undid her hair. Then she began to type.
Nikki stood on the balcony in her nylon stocking feet smoking a cigarette drinking her third glass of wine. She really didn’t feel the cold. Ella and her were presenting their proposals to Leon tomorrow. She had been through this ordeal twice before and it never got easier. One more deep drag of her cigarette and she flicked it off the balcony. She watched the glowing but descend and disappear into the darkness. One more gulp of wine and one cigarette left. Christmas Eve was coming.
Ella and Nikki sat in front Leon. Both of them were wearing boots.
“I read both of your proposals”, said Leon. “Ella, you have the job. Nikki thank you for your service. See personnel for your severance package”.
“That’s it”, Nikki exclaimed, “After all the years I worked for you. You are nothing but an asshole”! Nikki stood up, pulled her boot off and hurled into Leon’s chest.
Leon hit a button on his phone and said, “Security”.
Two security guards forcibly escorted Nikki from Leon’s office. She was limping as she was wearing only one high heeled boot. She was marched through the office in indignity.
“So how do you want to get started tomorrow”, asked Leon?
“Nikki is right, you are an asshole”, replied Ella, “I quit”.
Ella marched through the office with her dignity and baby Jesus.
Lydia and Lawrence were waiting together for their meeting with Leon in a conference room by themselves.
Lawrence looked at his Rolex and said “We have a half hour before Leon arrives”.
“I guess we have some time to kill”, said Lydia as she quietly dropped her dangling shoe under the table.
“Yeah”, replied Lawrence, “Did you see what happened to Nikki. She was fired and frogged walked out of the building wearing only one shoe. I think Leon is going have another lawsuit filed against him”.
“I didn’t see that”, said Lydia, “but do you know what I did see”?
“What”, asked Lawrence.
Lydia started running her instep up the inside of Lawrence’s leg until her toe reached his crotch.
“You forgot to zip you pants up after you returned from the men’s room. That would be embarrassing in front of Leon”, she wickedly said.
Lydia plunged her toes through the open zipper and felt something warm and hard.
Lawrence put his hand on Lydia’s stocking foot to prevent from going any further.
“We can’t do this here now”, Lawrence admonished as he quickly pulled Lydia’s foot out of his pants.
He zipped his pants up rapidly but his zipper caught the toe seam of Lydia’s run proof pantyhose. Lydia’s foot was effectively attached to his crotch. He tried to unzip his pants but the intertwined toe seam jammed the zipper. Lydia kept pulling her leg but the pantyhose wouldn’t rip. Lawrence kept trying to tug Lydia’s foot away.
“These are run proof hose” said Lydia, “they won’t rip”.
Lydia kicked off her other shoe and put her foot on Lawrence’s knee. She pushed to get more leverage but her pantyhose only stretched; they did no tear. Lydia unbuttoned and unzipped he skirt to see if she could shimmy out of her hose.
The door to conference room opened; Leon arrived early. He sat down at the end of the conference table without noticing Lydia’s foot being attached to Lawrence’s crotch.
“I read both of your proposals”, said Leon. “Lawrence, you have the job. Lydia thank you for your submission. See personnel for your severance package”.
Leon got up, walked to Lawrence and extended his had to congratulate him when he noticed Lydia’s foot.
An hour later both Lydia and Lawrence were waiting for Leon again. This time Lydia was standing bare legged and Lawrence stood with a pair of pantyhose tuck into his pants.
“I think we’re both gone Lydia”, said Lawrence.
Leon entered the room.
“I don’t know what is going on between the both of you”, Leon started “My lawyers say that if I fire one of you the other one has grounds for a lawsuit. Either one of you can blame the other for the incident and blame me for having an environment that condoned the situation. My lawyers also say that I don’t need another lawsuit. My best option would be to fire both of you but I fired Nikki and Ella quit so I am down two executives at a critical time. Ella’s proposal linked your department with her succession plan name you Lydia. So, I want Lydia to take over Ella’s department and Lawrence, I already hired you because of your proposal. Both of you stay for now but I ever catch both of you doing what you were doing today both of you a gone. Consider yourselves lucky today and comeback tomorrow ready to work. You two better impress me because you both have a strike against you”.
Leon left the room.
Lawrence and Lydia looked at each other in relief and disbelief. They were both really glad they could go to work on Christmas
“I’ll have to catch up with Ella”, Lydia said, “I’ll see you tomorrow and you can keep my pantyhose”.
They smiled at each other and Lydia left.
Ella agreed to meet Lydia at the train but time was getting late and her train departure time was getting closer.
Lydia was running barefoot through the station knowing she might miss Ella. Her feet were cold and dirty. She was looking everywhere
Ella felt she couldn’t wait much longer so she headed towards the platform. That was when Lydia saw her. Finally, they caught up with each other.
“Thanks to you I get to go to work tomorrow”, said Lydia.
“Thanks to you I get to go home to tomorrow”, said Ella. “Merry Christmas”.
“Merry Christmas” replied Lydia.
Ella boarded the train and walked through the cars until she found the one with the fewest people. She found a seat where she could sit by herself. As the train began to move Ella bent down and removed her boots. She stretched her stocking feet out then opened her bag. Taking the pink socks out she put them on her feet then she took out the baby Jesus.

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Re: 2022 Christmas Story

Post by Hamilton »

It was a happy and hectic Christmas for me. I wanted to wish everyone a merry happy time with friends and family. I barely had time to finish and post a story and had no time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. The last few years have been tough on a lot us for a lot of different reasons. Here's to hope next year brings many positive things we want and deserve. If you read the story I hope you enjoy it.


PS The title probably means more to me than to those who read the story.
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Re: 2022 Christmas Story

Post by paradigm88 »

Thank you as always for sharing! I've been light on personal work I'm willing to share...and my last attempt at a Christmas story remains unfinished a few years later. Glad you're able to turn one out every year like clockwork, challenges be damned.
Posts: 88
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:01 pm

Re: 2022 Christmas Story

Post by Xzzzy »

Spectacular, as always, sir. Bravo and thanks for keeping this flame lit.
Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 6:10 pm
Location: USA

Re: 2022 Christmas Story

Post by Hamilton »

Thank you for the encouraging comments.
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