Is society getting too casual in the way we dress?

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Is society getting too casual in the way we dress?

Post by Footsiefreak »

I wanted to start this thread to discuss if you think we are getting to casual for events that shouldnt be casual for?

I have noticed at funerals nowadays people dont even bother to dress up anymore and I think its not ok. I mean if you dont have the money to buy dress clothes and you onlyhave certain clothes then I get it. But if you have the clothes and are just to lazy to where them to show your respects then I dont like it.

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Post by Footsiefreak »

I used to go to a church where some people didnt bother to dress up and I was one of them. I did wear a shirt and tie on occasion but God should love you for who you are not what you are wearing IMO
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Post by hiker »

There has definitely been a shift towards a relaxed dress code in society. Certainly in the workplace.

When I first entered the work force out of college in the late 90's, the dress code for men in the office was suit with tie. Women were to wear hosiery with skirts, and sandals were not allowed... period.

As of late, most men now wear a sport coat, no tie. "Casual" Friday was also introduced in recent years where golf shirts and khaki's were allowed to some extent depending on whether clients were to visit that particular day. Woman rarely wear tights or hosiery except in the winter months. These changes are part of a new culture which believes that comfort results in better productivity.

In my opinion, attire has become far too relaxed. We've lost the professional feel we once had that drove a "best in class" perception within the company. The most relaxed clothing I wear is a sport coat with no tie, with a suit on most days. My peers and I are expected to always wear no less than a sport coat, which I agree with.

When I see the millennials enter the workforce now, I am often taken aback at how casual they dress in the workplace. Professional formality is completely lost on this generation.

This "relaxed" approach is not limited to the workplace, and has spilled over to society in general. I'm amazed when I go to a store and see people wearing pajamas with flip flops out in public. From a young age, I was always taught that I needed to consider my appearance whenever I leave the house, regardless of where I am going. This doesn't mean that I need to wear suit to go to Walgreen's, but I should at least put in the effort to NOT look like I just rolled out of bed.
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Feeture Feature
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Post by Feeture Feature »

We may lament the widespread casual look but should be very appreciative if we live in societies where people can look as sloppy as they wish. Look at North Korea and the extreme Muslim countries for public dress codes where there is very little if any individuality of expression in dress allowed or available. For me, the '60s and '70s had the best mix of professional look at work and casual at play.

Look at the first few decades of the 20th century as depicted in photos and film. Men seemed to wear suits and ties everywhere, and women mostly wore dresses and lots of undergarments. As people got more of a say in how they lived and more freedom in their lives, fashion changed and continues to evolve. As we age, most of us miss the good old days for many reasons, people's dress being one, especially on airplanes (the new buses). But it's not only dress. Look at the behavior of people in public. Talking on their phones so everyone shares in conversations they would rather not hear. Talking throughout movies in theaters.

For me, as well as lamenting the current stage of fashion, I also lament the gutterization of language in any setting and entertainment and the lack of education (computers will give you any information you need and perform tasks that were previously done by the brain), the very short attention spans of the masses, and the lack of face-to-face communication.
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Post by Footsiefreak »

hiker wrote:There has definitely been a shift towards a relaxed dress code in society. Certainly in the workplace.

When I first entered the work force out of college in the late 90's, the dress code for men in the office was suit with tie. Women were to wear hosiery with skirts, and sandals were not allowed... period.

As of late, most men now wear a sport coat, no tie. "Casual" Friday was also introduced in recent years where golf shirts and khaki's were allowed to some extent depending on whether clients were to visit that particular day. Woman rarely wear tights or hosiery except in the winter months. These changes are part of a new culture which believes that comfort results in better productivity.

In my opinion, attire has become far too relaxed. We've lost the professional feel we once had that drove a "best in class" perception within the company. The most relaxed clothing I wear is a sport coat with no tie, with a suit on most days. My peers and I are expected to always wear no less than a sport coat, which I agree with.

When I see the millennials enter the workforce now, I am often taken aback at how casual they dress in the workplace. Professional formality is completely lost on this generation.

This "relaxed" approach is not limited to the workplace, and has spilled over to society in general. I'm amazed when I go to a store and see people wearing pajamas with flip flops out in public. From a young age, I was always taught that I needed to consider my appearance whenever I leave the house, regardless of where I am going. This doesn't mean that I need to wear suit to go to Walgreen's, but I should at least put in the effort to NOT look like I just rolled out of bed.
Yeah I see alot of women just wearing pajama bottoms to go to the store..ITS JUST LAZINESS!!!
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